Appointive Members
Members | Chairmen | Vice Chairmen
Ex-Officio Members
Secretaries of the Treasury | Comptrollers of the Currency
Historical Notes
Appointive Members
Name and District Date of initial oath of office Other dates and information relating to membership
Charles S. Hamlin
Boston Aug. 10, 1914 Reappointed in 1916 and 1926. Served until Feb. 3, 1936.
Paul M. Warburg
New York Aug. 10, 1914 Term expired Aug. 9, 1918.
Frederic A. Delano
Chicago Aug. 10, 1914 Resigned July 21, 1918.
W.P.G. Harding
Atlanta Aug. 10, 1914 Term expired Aug. 9, 1922.
Adolph C. Miller
San Francisco Aug. 10, 1914 Reappointed in 1924. Reappointed in 1934 from the Richmond District. Served until Feb. 3, 1936.
Albert Strauss
New York Oct. 26, 1918 Resigned Mar. 15, 1920.
Henry A. Moehlenpah
Chicago Nov. 10, 1919 Term expired Aug. 9, 1920.
Edmund Platt
New York June 8, 1920 Reappointed in 1928. Resigned Sept. 14, 1930.
David C. Wills
Cleveland Sept. 29, 1920 Term expired Mar. 4, 1921.
John R. Mitchell
Minneapolis May 12, 1921 Resigned May 12, 1923.
Milo D. Campbell
Chicago Mar. 14, 1923 Died Mar. 22, 1923.
Daniel R. Crissinger
Cleveland May 1, 1923 Resigned Sept. 15, 1927.
George R. James
St. Louis May 14, 1923 Reappointed in 1931. Served until Feb. 3, 1936.
Edward H. Cunningham
Chicago May 14, 1923 Died Nov. 28, 1930.
Roy A. Young
Minneapolis Oct. 4, 1927 Resigned Aug. 31, 1930.
Eugene Meyer
New York Sept. 16, 1930 Resigned May 10, 1933.
Wayland W. Magee
Kansas City May 18, 1931 Term expired Jan. 24, 1933.
Eugene R. Black
Atlanta May 19, 1933 Resigned Aug. 15, 1934.
M.S. Szymczak
Chicago June 14, 1933 Reappointed in 1936 and 1948. Resigned May 31, 1961.
J.J. Thomas
Kansas City June 14, 1933 Served until Feb. 10, 1936.
Marriner S. Eccles
San Francisco Nov. 15, 1934 Reappointed in 1936, 1940, and 1944. Resigned July 14, 1951.
Joseph A. Broderick
New York Feb. 3, 1936 Resigned Sept. 30, 1937.
John K. McKee
Cleveland Feb. 3, 1936 Served until Apr. 4, 1946.
Ronald Ransom
Atlanta Feb. 3, 1936 Reappointed in 1942. Died Dec. 2, 1947.
Ralph W. Morrison
Dallas Feb. 10, 1936 Resigned July 9, 1936.
Chester C. Davis
Richmond June 25, 1936 Reappointed in 1940. Resigned Apr. 15, 1941.
Ernest G. Draper
New York Mar. 30, 1938 Served until Sept. 1, 1950.
Rudolph M. Evans
Richmond Mar. 14, 1942 Served until Aug. 13, 1954.
James K. Vardaman, Jr.
St. Louis Apr. 4, 1946 Resigned Nov. 30, 1958.
Lawrence Clayton
Boston Feb. 14, 1947 Died Dec. 4, 1949.
Thomas B. McCabe
Philadelphia Apr. 15, 1948 Resigned Mar. 31, 1951.
Edward L. Norton
Atlanta Sept. 1, 1950 Resigned Jan. 31, 1952.
Oliver S. Powell
Minneapolis Sept. 1, 1950 Resigned June 30, 1952.
Wm. McC. Martin, Jr.
New York Apr. 2, 1951 Reappointed in 1956. Term expired Jan. 31, 1970.
A.L. Mills, Jr.
San Francisco Feb. 18, 1952 Reappointed in 1958. Resigned Feb. 28, 1965.
J.L. Robertson
Kansas City Feb. 18, 1952 Reappointed in 1964. Resigned Apr. 30, 1973.
C. Canby Balderston
Philadelphia Aug. 12, 1954 Served through Feb. 28, 1966.
Paul E. Miller
Minneapolis Aug. 13, 1954 Died Oct. 21, 1954.
Chas. N. Shepardson
Dallas Mar. 17, 1955 Retired Apr. 30, 1967.
G.H. King, Jr.
Atlanta Mar. 25, 1959 Reappointed in 1960. Resigned Sept. 18, 1963.
George W. Mitchell
Chicago Aug. 31, 1961 Reappointed in 1962. Served until Feb. 13, 1976.
J. Dewey Daane
Richmond Nov. 29, 1963 Served until Mar. 8, 1974.
Sherman J. Maisel
San Francisco Apr. 30, 1965 Served through May 31, 1972.
Andrew F. Brimmer
Philadelphia Mar. 9, 1966 Resigned Aug. 31, 1974.
William W. Sherrill
Dallas May 1, 1967 Reappointed in 1968. Resigned Nov. 15, 1971.
Arthur F. Burns
New York Jan. 31, 1970 Term began Feb. 1, 1970. Resigned Mar. 31, 1978.
John E. Sheehan
St. Louis Jan. 4, 1972 Resigned June 1, 1975.
Jeffrey M. Bucher
San Francisco June 5, 1972 Resigned Jan. 2, 1976.
Robert C. Holland
Kansas City June 11, 1973 Resigned May 15, 1976.
Henry C. Wallich
Boston .Mar. 8, 1974 Resigned Dec. 15, 1986.
Philip E. Coldwell
Dallas Oct. 29, 1974 Served through Feb. 29, 1980.
Philip C. Jackson, Jr.
Atlanta July 14, 1975 Resigned Nov. 17, 1978.
J. Charles Partee
Richmond Jan. 5, 1976 Served until Feb. 7, 1986.
Stephen S. Gardner
Philadelphia Feb. 13, 1976 Died Nov. 19, 1978.
David M. Lilly
Minneapolis June 1, 1976 Resigned Feb. 24, 1978.
G. William Miller
San Francisco Mar. 8, 1978 Resigned Aug. 6, 1979.
Nancy H. Teeters
Chicago Sept. 18, 1978 Served through June 27, 1984.
Emmett J. Rice
New York June 20, 1979 Resigned Dec. 31, 1986.
Frederick H. Schultz
Atlanta July 27, 1979 Served through Feb. 11, 1982.
Paul A. Volcker
Philadelphia Aug. 6, 1979 Resigned August 11, 1987.
Lyle E. Gramley
Kansas City May 28, 1980 Resigned Sept. 1, 1985.
Preston Martin
San Francisco Mar. 31, 1982 Resigned April 30, 1986.
Martha R. Seger
Chicago July 2, 1984 Resigned March 11, 1991.
Wayne D. Angell
Kansas City Feb. 7, 1986 Served through Feb. 9, 1994.
Manuel H. Johnson
Richmond Feb. 7, 1986 Resigned August 3, 1990.
H. Robert Heller
San Francisco Aug. 19, 1986 Resigned July 31, 1989.
Edward W. Kelley, Jr.
Dallas May 26, 1987 Reappointed in 1990; resigned Dec. 31, 2001.
Alan Greenspan
New York Aug. 11, 1987 Reappointed in 1992; term expired Jan. 31, 2006.
John P. LaWare
Boston Aug. 15, 1988 Resigned April 30, 1995.
David W. Mullins, Jr.
St. Louis May 21 1990 Resigned Feb. 14, 1994.
Lawrence B. Lindsey
Richmond Nov. 26, 1991 Resigned Feb. 5, 1997.
Susan M. Phillips
Chicago Dec. 2, 1991 Served through June 30, 1998.
Alan S. Blinder
Philadelphia June 27, 1994 Term expired Jan. 31, 1996.
Janet L. Yellen
San Francisco Aug. 12, 1994 Resigned Feb. 17, 1997.
Laurence H. Meyer
St. Louis June 24, 1996 Term expired Jan. 31, 2002.
Alice M. Rivlin
Philadelphia June 25, 1996 Resigned July 16, 1999.
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.
Boston Nov. 5, 1997 Reappointed in 2001; resigned April 28, 2006
Edward M. Gramlich
Richmond Nov. 5, 1997 Resigned August 31, 2005.
Susan S. Bies
Chicago Dec. 7, 2001 Resigned March 30, 2007.
Mark W. Olson
Minneapolis Dec. 7, 2001 Resigned June 30, 2006.
Ben S. Bernanke
Atlanta Aug. 5, 2002 Resigned June 21, 2005; reappointed Feb. 1, 2006.
Donald L. Kohn
Kansas City Aug. 5, 2002
Kevin M. Warsh
New York Feb. 24, 2006
Randall S. Kroszner
Richmond Mar. 1, 2006 Resigned January 21, 2009.
Frederic S. Mishkin
Boston Sept. 5, 2006 Resigned August 31, 2008.
Elizabeth A. Duke
Philadelphia Aug. 5, 2008
Daniel K. Tarullo
Boston Jan. 28, 2009
Chairmen Date of term
Charles S. Hamlin Aug. 10, 1914-Aug. 9, 1916
W.P.G. Harding Aug. 10, 1916-Aug. 9, 1922
Daniel R. Crissinger May 1, 1923-Sept. 15, 1927
Roy A. Young Oct. 4, 1927-Aug. 31, 1930
Eugene Meyer Sept. 16, 1930-May 10, 1933
Eugene R. Black May 19, 1933-Aug. 15, 1934
Marriner S. Eccles Nov. 15, 1934-Jan. 31, 19481
Thomas B. McCabe Apr. 15, 1948-Mar. 31, 1951
Wm. McC. Martin, Jr Apr. 2, 1951-Jan. 31, 1970
Arthur F. Burns Feb. 1, 1970-Jan. 31, 1978
G. William Miller Mar. 8, 1978-Aug. 6, 1979
Paul A. Volcker Aug. 6, 1979-Aug. 11, 1987
Alan Greenspan Aug. 11, 1987-Jan. 31, 20062
Ben S. Bernanke Feb. 1, 2006-
1. Served as Chairman Pro Tempore from February 3, 1948, to April 15, 1948. Return to text
2. Served as Chairman Pro Tempore from March 3, 1996, to June 20, 1996. Return to text
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Vice Chairmen Date of term
Frederic A. Delano Aug. 10, 1914-Aug. 9, 1916
Paul M. Warburg Aug. 10, 1916-Aug. 9, 1918
Albert Strauss Oct. 26, 1918-Mar. 15, 1920
Edmund Platt July 23, 1920-Sept. 14, 1930
J.J. Thomas Aug. 21, 1934-Feb. 10, 1936
Ronald Ransom Aug. 6, 1936-Dec. 2, 1947
C. Canby Balderston Mar. 11, 1955-Feb. 28, 1966
J.L. Robertson Mar. 1, 1966-Apr. 30, 1973
George W. Mitchell May 1, 1973-Feb. 13, 1976
Stephen S. Gardner Feb. 13, 1976-Nov. 19, 1978
Frederick H. Schultz July 27, 1979-Feb. 11, 1982
Preston Martin Mar. 31, 1982-Apr. 30, 1986
Manuel H. Johnson Aug. 4, 1986-Aug. 3, 1990
David W. Mullins, Jr. July 24, 1991-Feb. 14, 1994
Alan S. Blinder June 27, 1994-Jan. 31, 1996
Alice M. Rivlin June 25, 1996-July 16, 1999
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Oct. 5, 1999-Apr. 28, 2006
Donald L. Kohn June 23, 2006-
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Ex-Officio Members
Secretaries of the Treasury Date of term
W.G. McAdoo Dec. 23, 1913-Dec. 15, 1918
Carter Glass Dec. 16, 1918-Feb. 1, 1920
David F. Houston Feb. 2, 1920-Mar. 3, 1921
Andrew W. Mellon Mar. 4, 1921-Feb. 12, 1932
Ogden L. Mills Feb. 12, 1932-Mar. 4, 1933
William H. Woodin Mar. 4, 1933-Dec. 31, 1933
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Jan. 1, 1934-Feb. 1, 1936
Comptrollers of the Currency Date of term
John Skelton Williams Feb. 2, 1914-Mar. 2, 1921
Daniel R. Crissinger Mar. 17, 1921-Apr. 30, 1923
Henry M. Dawes May 1, 1923-Dec. 17, 1924
Joseph W. McIntosh Dec. 20, 1924-Nov. 20, 1928
J.W. Pole Nov. 21, 1928-Sept. 20, 1932
J.F.T. O'Connor May 11, 1933-Feb. 1, 1936
Historical Notes
Under the provisions of the original Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve Board was composed of seven members, including five appointive members, the Secretary of the Treasury, who was ex-officio chairman of the Board, and the Comptroller of the Currency. The original term of office was ten years, and the five original appointive members had terms of two, four, six, eight, and ten years respectively. In 1922 the number of appointive members was increased to six, and in 1933 the term of office was increased to twelve years.
The Banking Act of 1935, approved Aug. 23, 1935, changed the name of the Federal Reserve Board to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and provided that the Board should be composed of seven appointive members; that the Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency should continue to serve as members until Feb. 1, 1936; that the appointive members in office on the date of that act should continue to serve until Feb. 1, 1936, or until their successors were appointed and had qualified; and that thereafter the terms of members should be fourteen years and that the designation of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board should be for a term of four years.
Date after words "Resigned" and "Retired" denotes final day of service.
Chairman and Vice Chairman were designated Governor and Vice Governor before Aug. 23, 1935.