Friday, June 6, 2008

Investing at 15% per year

Case C: Investing $1000 at 15% per year

Suppose you invest $1000 today at a 15% rate of return. Using the equation above, we can calculate the future value of this one time investment.

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)n where n = the number of years

After 10 years, this single $1,000 investment will be worth:

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)10 = $4,046

After 20 years, this single $1,000 investment will be worth:

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)20 = $16,367

After 30 years, this single $1,000 investment will be worth:

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)30 = $66,212

After 40 years, this single $1,000 investment will be worth:

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)40 = $267,864

After 50 years, this single $1,000 investment will be worth:

FV = ($1,000) (1.15)50 = $1,083,657

A single investment of $1,000 that earns a 15% rate of return for 40 years turns into over a quarter of a million dollars. If it is invested for 50 years, it becomes more than a million dollars!

1 comment:

  1. At 15% money doubles every five years so a business that grows at 15% per year would double in size every five years.
